Chonji Middle Block Lunge Punch Solo Practice

JDK is developing application videos and solo practice instructional video resources for our students and our network of instructors. Since COVID-19 started, we have made quite a few solo practice resources linked with application videos we have already published on our YouTube channel. Most of the solo practice videos have been unlisted, you will not find them on YouTube, they are not for general distribution, and have only been shared with closed FB groups like our 'JDK Library' and 'Instructors Against COVID-19.' 

The reason why we're keeping these videos 'unlisted' is that as we plan to resurface with COVID restrictions easing, we would like to see both face-to-face and online training made available to our members. With members supporting and subscribing to our YouTube channel and website, that will allow us to develop and share more of our practice. 

This particular video is going to be publicly available - so feel free to email this to your network or to your social circle. Use this link:

This video focuses on the second blocking technique from Chonji, but applied to the same jab cross attack that we looked at in the lower block solo practice video available at

For those of you interested, we also have a block flow drill that combines various traditional blocking techniques against a jab-cross-jab attack, and which receives the initial jab cross using only the fold and the block from yop markgi - which is featured in this video. You can catch the block flow drill at

The reason why we are looking at using a second applicaiton to deal with the same type of attack is because of the nature of where the attack is coming from. Sometimes as the opponent circles around you, different openings are presented, which then necessitates different ways of receiving the offensive.

Tips for Solo Practice
  • When you deflect using the 'elbow roll' or the folding of the block, make sure your back hand is held between the strike and your face, and move your head towards the side of the lead shoulder. Otherwise you can choose to pull your head backward as you raise the elbow. 
  • When you do extend your hand to make 'connection' with the secondary tool, don't need to swing the block hard to the outside. The sideways movement will occur when you pull the block tight to the side of your body. It's not done simply by using shoulder muscles to swing the arm laterally to the outside. 
  • As you step forward, turn in mid step so you're moving outwards from the staff (or whatever you're using for your 'arm') turning back in to fire the punch towards the opponent in front of you. 
  • Head movement is important - if possible you should be moving your head towards the 'outside' of the opponent's shoulder. This means your head moves in two directions - one for the jab and the other for the cross. If not, you could move the head backwards by pulling it from the strike. 
Lastly, if you like this video, or if you want to share more of these with your students, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel? Or come look for us on FaceBook at 'Joong Do Kwan Western Australia.' We'd love to hear from you, and we really love to receive compliments! :-) 

Keep well my friends.

Colin Wee
Joong Do Kwan Traditional Taekwondo
Perth, Western Australia

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