Chonji Lower Block Lunge Punch Solo Practice

JDK is developing application videos and solo practice instructional video resources for our students and our network of instructors. Since COVID-19 started, we have made quite a few solo practice resources linked with application videos we have already published on our YouTube channel. Most of the solo practice videos have been unlisted, you will not find them on YouTube, they are not for general distribution, and have only been shared with closed FB groups like our 'JDK Library' and 'Instructors Against COVID-19.' 

The reason why we're keeping these videos 'unlisted' is that as we plan to resurface with COVID restrictions easing, we would like to see both face-to-face and online training made available to our members. With members supporting and subscribing to our YouTube channel and website, that will allow us to develop and share more of our practice. 

This particular video is going to be publically available - so feel free to email this to your network or to your social circle. Use this link:

This video focuses on the first two techniques from Chonji, and an application which is highlighted in the video 'Heaven, Earth, Wind, and Fire' (5:20 - 7:30)

The first two techniques from Chonji are the lower block, and the front lunge punch. We pit these two techniques against a jab cross. The student trying to practice this at home will benefit from having a partner or family member 1) holding their hands out in that formation (just leaving them there), 2) actually throwing a slow jab and cross, or 3) by setting up tools that mirror the setup I've created with a staff, weight bench, and a spare white belt. 

There are pros and cons to each of the three setups, and if you want to share this learning environment in a video session with us, please let us know. Having the application video, the solo practice video, and then a camera pointed at how you train remotely is the best way to structure solo practice. 

Things to note:
  1. You do not need to hit the staff of the belt hard. Even at minimal power, a connection with these tools helps you develop a sensitivity and a three-dimensional awarness.
  2. Eventually when you do get yourself in front of a live opponent, you can increase power and resistance gradually. 
  3. The punch is 'cycled' vertically, and not just left in place like the pattern. Using your core muscles and your 'posterior chain' to drive the strike is what you want to do.
  4. The timing of the punch is based on when you need to land it ... not just for maximum power. Try the three ways offered. Lastly, 
  5. You don't even need equipment to train this. Without the equipment? All you've got to do is visualise your opponent. The solo practice video simply gives you additional information on HOW to train, we're not prescribing an exact setup you need to replicate!  

Please be careful with this makeshift gear. Running into any hard object. Dropping anything on your foot. Punching or kicking the corner of a door. None of these are pleasant. Worse is if you leave it in place, and someone else does exactly what they shouldn't - so put your equipment away when you're done with it. 

Lastly, if you like this video, or if you want to share more of these with your students, why not subscribe to our YouTube channel? Or come look for us on FaceBook at 'Joong Do Kwan Western Australia.' We'd love to hear from you, and we really love to receive compliments! :-) 

Keep well my friends.

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      USA, Singapore, Japan, and Australia. 
      For book orders see Moosul Publishing

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